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iberian union artinya

contoh kalimat "iberian union"
  • Initially the Portuguese and Spanish Empires were the predominant conquerors and sources of influence, and their union resulted in the Iberian Union, the first global empire on which the "sun never set".
    Awalnya Imperium Portugis dan Spanyol merupakan penakluk ulung dan sumber pengaruh, dan perserikatan mereka menghasilkan Uni Iberia, imperium global pertama yang memiliki wilayah "yang tak pernah melihat matahari tenggelam".
  • From 1580 to 1640 the Spanish Empire and the Portuguese Empire were conjoined in a personal union of its Habsburg monarchs, during the period of the Iberian Union, though the empires continued to be administered separately.
    Sejak 1580 hingga 1640, Imperium Portugis dan Kekaisaran Spanyol bergabung dalam persatuan pribadi raja-raja Habsburg, selama periode Persatuan Iberia, meskipun kekaisaran tersebut dipimpin secara terpisah.
  • Known since the early 1st century CE as an important trading port between the west and the east, Muscat was ruled by various indigenous tribes as well as foreign powers such as the Persians, the Portuguese Empire, the Iberian Union and the Ottoman Empire at various points in its history.
    Dikenal sejak awal abad ke-1 Masehi sebagai pelabuhan perdagangan penting antara barat dan timur, Muscat diperintah oleh berbagai suku adat serta kekuatan asing seperti Persia, Kekaisaran Portugis dan Kekaisaran Ottoman pada berbagai titik dalam sejarah.